Monday 19 May 2014

Gothic Green

Hiya, It's been a few days since I posted.  I had one of *those* weeks.   But luckily I had a chance to play with makeup today.
I decided to go with a gothic green look since I had some new black and green hair falls to play with.
I got them from   I love how they feel and how they look.  They're awesome.  I know I will be buying alot more from this store in the future.

I also got a brand new green choker from  These chokers are gorgeous.  I have a couple more on order in a couple different colors.  

My emerald green combination of eyeshadow is from KatVonD.   I don't have many of this brand, but I really like the color pay off that they give.
I used my Hollygram lip gloss from LimeCrime to complete the makeup today.   For a Lip Gloss it gives a huge intense sparkly green.  You don't even need to build it up much to give  this deep green look.
I always love to use false lashes as my own are very short and kind of sparse.   These are from Velour a Canadian company from Toronto.
Have a beautiful day :)

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