Thursday 8 May 2014

Summer Romance

Yesterday I felt like spring, today I felt like summer... The makeup I used today just seemed very romantic to me.
I know I've been using my SugarPill to death lately lol..but yes that's what I used again, Goldilux and Bullet Proof  with Urban Decay Perversion liner in the water line.
I got a brand new flower crown in the mail the other day and I've been wanting to wear them and today was the day.  I got them from Voxpopulijewelry

Lighting is kinda crappy on this picture, but I love how it shows off the gold in my eyes and I love love love my new false eyelashes from house of Lashes.   Siren on top and Precious on bottom.
I used BellaDonna from Melt Cosmetics on my lips.   It's such a pretty shade of red... I love red lipsticks the best, and this is certainly one shade that I will be reaching for again and again and again.

Until the next look or makeup review, have a beautiful day.

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