Sunday 11 May 2014

Beautiful Purple Eyes

Today while playing with makeup I wanted to keep it simple.  I just wanted some really intense purple eyes.
So I used my NYX purple shadow crazyon as a base before I added on, yes, you guessed it Poison Plum by SugarPill.   I didn't want a total dark eye though, so I added a bit of silver to the inner corners.

I've been loving my new Geisha black wig alot lately.  I think it really suits my whimsical romantic side.
Lately I've had fans and or critics ask me if I would consider my makeup looks "wearable".   Of course I do.  I know that some of my color schemes are pretty bold and full of color, but I view makeup as a way to express ones self.

The very best thing about makeup is that you can wash it off....and create something else, over and over again.   My best advice is to not be afraid to color outside the lines.   Don't worry so much about what others think, as you can only be true to you, and you alone.    Makeup is the paint and your face it's canvas.  Have fun playing with makeup my beauties :)

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