Tuesday 22 July 2014

Been Gone for awhile....

Life sorta got in the way over the last couple of months, and I ended up neglecting my blog.  I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things and start posting more of my makeup looks and outfits of the day.

Today I did kind of a jewel toned theme.  I really like blue and purple together.  I have hooded eyes so sometimes it's hard to really get the color on my eyelid to stand out, so I usually go for a more dramatic eye look when doing my makeup looks.

I have been wanting to play around with this new black and purple wig for awhile, so when I was doing my eye makeup I thought this would be the perfect time to get it out.
I used my favorite brand of makeup on the eyes, SugarPill, except for in the tear duct area, I used a silver eye pencil from Urban Decay to brighten up my eyes a tiny bit.  I love, love love false eyelashes, and today I chose a pair from Velour.
I think today was a day for "news"  I also used a new lipstick that I recently got.  "darling" from Melt Cosmetics.  I am eagerly waiting for them to restock a few more of their colors, and then I'll be pretty close to owning all of their collection.

I got this fabulous new dress from Torrid, and it's quickly become a favorite.  My two most favorite colors in the world are red and black, so when they are paired together, I just about go crazy for them.
I've been slowly losing weight since February and have lost about 30 pounds as of this post.  I'm a slow loser, but I'm two dress sizes down since I started, so I can only imagine how next summer will look.  My black wedge sandal shoes are also from Torrid.  For a "heel" they are pretty comfortable to walk in.   I have hit and miss luck when it comes to heels, so I was very happy when these worked for me.
Have a beautiful day

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