Monday 19 May 2014

Gothic Green

Hiya, It's been a few days since I posted.  I had one of *those* weeks.   But luckily I had a chance to play with makeup today.
I decided to go with a gothic green look since I had some new black and green hair falls to play with.
I got them from   I love how they feel and how they look.  They're awesome.  I know I will be buying alot more from this store in the future.

I also got a brand new green choker from  These chokers are gorgeous.  I have a couple more on order in a couple different colors.  

My emerald green combination of eyeshadow is from KatVonD.   I don't have many of this brand, but I really like the color pay off that they give.
I used my Hollygram lip gloss from LimeCrime to complete the makeup today.   For a Lip Gloss it gives a huge intense sparkly green.  You don't even need to build it up much to give  this deep green look.
I always love to use false lashes as my own are very short and kind of sparse.   These are from Velour a Canadian company from Toronto.
Have a beautiful day :)

Wednesday 14 May 2014

A New Wig to Play With

I got one of the wigs that I was expecting in the mail, so that meant that I had to play!
This one is so beautiful with it's two tone of black and red.   I got it from a new place,  and I think I will be ordering more of their wigs soon.
My favorite colors are actually black and red so I was really loving the outfit and hair today.
I thought I'd have fun with the eye makeup and made one of the eyes red and the other black hehe
The red eyeshadow is called Miss Deville and I got it from Pretty Zombie Cosmetics, and the other eye in black is Bullet Proof from Sugar Pill.
I experimented with my lipstick color.  I used a black from Ka'oir and Candy Apple lip gloss from LimeCrime
My eyelashes are called HeartBreaker from House of Lashes.

I feel very vampy today with the look.  The only sadness I had was that I am expecting a beautiful red choker in the mail that would of went perfectly with the outfit.  But that's ok, there's always next time :)
Have a beautiful day.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Beautiful Purple Eyes

Today while playing with makeup I wanted to keep it simple.  I just wanted some really intense purple eyes.
So I used my NYX purple shadow crazyon as a base before I added on, yes, you guessed it Poison Plum by SugarPill.   I didn't want a total dark eye though, so I added a bit of silver to the inner corners.

I've been loving my new Geisha black wig alot lately.  I think it really suits my whimsical romantic side.
Lately I've had fans and or critics ask me if I would consider my makeup looks "wearable".   Of course I do.  I know that some of my color schemes are pretty bold and full of color, but I view makeup as a way to express ones self.

The very best thing about makeup is that you can wash it off....and create something else, over and over again.   My best advice is to not be afraid to color outside the lines.   Don't worry so much about what others think, as you can only be true to you, and you alone.    Makeup is the paint and your face it's canvas.  Have fun playing with makeup my beauties :)

Thursday 8 May 2014

Summer Romance

Yesterday I felt like spring, today I felt like summer... The makeup I used today just seemed very romantic to me.
I know I've been using my SugarPill to death lately lol..but yes that's what I used again, Goldilux and Bullet Proof  with Urban Decay Perversion liner in the water line.
I got a brand new flower crown in the mail the other day and I've been wanting to wear them and today was the day.  I got them from Voxpopulijewelry

Lighting is kinda crappy on this picture, but I love how it shows off the gold in my eyes and I love love love my new false eyelashes from house of Lashes.   Siren on top and Precious on bottom.
I used BellaDonna from Melt Cosmetics on my lips.   It's such a pretty shade of red... I love red lipsticks the best, and this is certainly one shade that I will be reaching for again and again and again.

Until the next look or makeup review, have a beautiful day.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Spring Makeup

Today was a beautiful spring day, the birds were singing like crazy when I went to check the mail and I found one of the wigs that I was expecting from Geisha Wigs, so I had to play with makeup, even with a sore back  (I get them often boo.) 
I really wanted to be pretty in pink today so I took some poison plum and smitten from Sugar Pill and did some dramatic eyes. In the corners of my eyes I used SP's Tiara.  It's just so shiny pretty.
I paired it with Pink Velvet from Lime Crime, I really loved the black hair, pale skin and pink/purple contrast.
I also used these really pretty xo's false eyelashes from Sugar Pill but it didn't really show up in pictures.  I'll have to try and take closer pictures another time.

If I had to give this look a name, I think I'll call it Spring Fling.  Here's hoping the mailman brings me some more fun things in the mail tomorrow. :)

Monday 5 May 2014

New Lipstick

I have been wanting this Melt Cosmetic Lipstick in the color DGAF for I don't know how long.  It was always sold out, but finally I got lucky and was able to get some.   When the mailman brought me my package today I could of kissed him!
Though I'm not sure if he would of liked hot blue lipstick marks all over his skin. lol
I know, I know, the rules of makeup state that if you do a bold lip you should do subtle eyes.  But I was never ever one for playing by the rules.
I did my eyes with sugarpill today.  They seem to be some of my favorite colors.   I used a combination of Poison Plum and After Party.   and then wanted to use some dramatic lashes, that also came from Sugarpill.   I used Imperial on both top and lower lashes.   For the lower lashes, it's just a cut off section of the lash, to give me cute little wigs.
I did a very bold eyebrow today.  I saw someone's tutorial on how they did theirs and wanted to try it on my own eyebrows to see if it would work for me.

And there you have it.  I have a bunch more packages still to arrive in the mail.  I can't wait to see what the mailman will bring to me next.

Saturday 3 May 2014

SugarPill makes me feel Glam, in a Vampy Way

today I was playing with makeup and really wanted an intensely glamorous look.  Something that popped color, so I reached for some of my loves.... My SugarPill eye shadows.

I really had fun doing a very bold purple black and blue look for my eyes.   I used Bullet Proof, Poison Plum and afterparty,  Then I added some blue glitter that I had from Ka'oir. 

On my lips I used some Belladonna by Melt Cosmetics.  So matte, and intense.  All of their lipsticks that I own have such a great color pay off.  They are one of my new favorite lipstick brands.

I'm really into doing one eyed shots lately, they give a bit of mystery to any look..  I'm wearing my current favorite geisha wigs wig.  I have several on order and hope that they come in the mail soon... I can hardly wait for them!!

If you have a look that you'd like to see me do, drop me a line at gothcreations    (remove the space of course)
Have a beautiful day

Thursday 1 May 2014

The Butterfly Effect...

That's what I think of when I look at today's makeup.   It's ultra girly, which is a huge contrast to yesterday's vamped up look.   I saw a picture of a girl with similar makeup so I wanted to give it a try, and give it my own little spin.
My eye of the day look consists of  Love Buzz on the  top outter and the bottom inner corner of my eyes.  Love Buzz is from the Elektro Cute line from Sugar Pill.  Also from Sugar Pill, I cut a pair of their  Imperial lashes to give myself upper and bottom wing like lashes.

On the top inner and bottom outter I used Poison Cupcake from Pretty Zombie Cosmectics  and mixed it up with Mac Fix spray to make the color pop.    I almost chose to wear my hair blonde for this look, but in the end I wanted my long curly and flowy pink and black wig that I got from an Ebay seller.  There's just something about pink that I "secretly" adore.

on my lips I used another new lipstick that I got from Melt Cosmetics called Stupid Love.  It's really a very hot pink, that I think makes my lips look pretty. :)  Even though today was kind of melancholy with the weather, I dug through my closet and found a pretty pink striped sun dress that I got from Torrid last summer.   And there you have it, my look of the day which I am calling Butterfly.
Have a beautiful day