Wednesday 30 April 2014

I couldn't make up my mind....

Today was an interesting day...  I got the bug in me to want to shop... and shop...and shop...but I was trying to be good, so I went and played with makeup instead.   I spent some time doing a very bold dramatic red look on my eyes, and I just couldn't get the hair right today.  I went through a few different wigs until I found one that suited the intensity of the eyes.

Let's start with the wig that didn't make the cut....  I thought that I wanted to be a dark haired vampy vixen today, so I tried this one:
and while it was nice, and very vampy, it just didn't seem right.   Plus after looking at the dark haired pictures I wanted to extend my red eyes just a little further over, so I tried again and came up with this look instead.

and for once, the lighting in the room seemed to be perfect... it captured all the intensity of the red.   I was very happy with this shot.   On my lips is a brand new lipstick that just came in the mail today from Melt Cosmetics, this one is called BellaDonna.  Very hot matte red.   On my eyes, I wanted something really intense, so I dug through my eye shadows until I found one I had forgotten I had from Concrete Minerals called Risque.   The red liner I'm using underneath is called Poison from Makeup Geek.   I must get more of their gel liners in the future.  They're pretty awesome.

I love this firey red wig...I've had it for a couple of years now and it's still in pretty good shape for having it that long.   Usually my wigs don't last that long as I tend to wear them out. lol  I got it from an ebay store, and I don't remember what name any more.

Also on my eyes I used a pair of gem false mink lashes from MinxLash  , I thought they were really cute, and added some girly to an otherwise intense look.
Have a vampy day :)

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