Tuesday 29 April 2014

Hiya :)
I've never ever been afraid of color, and this morning I woke up feeling bold and inspired by purple.
I had originally wanted to do a look with my natural black hair, and took the time to really try and make it look pretty, but for whatever reason, no matter what I did, I was doomed to have a bad hair day.    Never being one to run away crying, I put on a wig and kissed my bad hair day good bye :)
This wig made me feel very vampy and dangerous today.  I love the length, the style and the color.
So much so that my need to grow my wig collection is expanding.   I've got four separate wig packages coming to me in the near future from Geisha Wigs .  I really cannot wait for them to arrive.

On my eyes I'm using SugarPill  Poison Plum which is a very intense purple that I can never get enough of, and in the inner part of the eye I added some sparkle with Tiara.   Of course that wasn't enough for this look today so I got out some falsies.  The top eyelashes are from House of Lashes in Femme Fatale (perfect for today's look)  and the bottoms are my still not so happy with how they're holding up from Velour.  (this is the first time I've ever had a problem with Velour, so I hope it's a fluke)

My purple lipstick came from Melt Cosmetics.  It's an awesome matte lipstick.  I really love Melt lipsticks and have a few of them on their way to me to add to my collection.

I really enjoyed today's look, and if I had to give it an overall name, I would call it Dangerous.
Have a beautiful day,
Raven xox

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