Sunday 27 April 2014

Today I wanted something a bit whimsical, and perhaps a bit magical.   So I created a redhead look with eyes that I call "Magical Forrest".

I used my feline lashes again from House of Lashes,  They really look nice with my eye shape.
Lower Lashes are by Velour.  I had two pair of these and usually they last a few times  (not as many as the top) I had just used the first pair yesterday...but tonight I had to use one from the second set as the first one had completely lost it's shape just from one use.  That was a little disappointing.

I used my Hollygram from Lime Crime.  It's such a gorgeous color, that I can never get enough of.
I felt quite magical with the makeup , hair and dress today.   It reminded me a little bit of Poison Ivy from the batman series.  She was always my favorite villain.   I didn't get many good pictures tonight as I waited too long to take pictures, and the lighting wasn't the best.

Until the next look..


  1. Hi! It's Lucy from ;)
    Loving your blog a lot! :D Your makeup style is so much fun to look at! I love this lip color :D

  2. Hi Lucy, thanks... I have a really bold not afraid of color style so I'm glad some people like it hehe
    That's Hollygram from Limecrime :)
