Wednesday 30 April 2014

I couldn't make up my mind....

Today was an interesting day...  I got the bug in me to want to shop... and shop...and shop...but I was trying to be good, so I went and played with makeup instead.   I spent some time doing a very bold dramatic red look on my eyes, and I just couldn't get the hair right today.  I went through a few different wigs until I found one that suited the intensity of the eyes.

Let's start with the wig that didn't make the cut....  I thought that I wanted to be a dark haired vampy vixen today, so I tried this one:
and while it was nice, and very vampy, it just didn't seem right.   Plus after looking at the dark haired pictures I wanted to extend my red eyes just a little further over, so I tried again and came up with this look instead.

and for once, the lighting in the room seemed to be perfect... it captured all the intensity of the red.   I was very happy with this shot.   On my lips is a brand new lipstick that just came in the mail today from Melt Cosmetics, this one is called BellaDonna.  Very hot matte red.   On my eyes, I wanted something really intense, so I dug through my eye shadows until I found one I had forgotten I had from Concrete Minerals called Risque.   The red liner I'm using underneath is called Poison from Makeup Geek.   I must get more of their gel liners in the future.  They're pretty awesome.

I love this firey red wig...I've had it for a couple of years now and it's still in pretty good shape for having it that long.   Usually my wigs don't last that long as I tend to wear them out. lol  I got it from an ebay store, and I don't remember what name any more.

Also on my eyes I used a pair of gem false mink lashes from MinxLash  , I thought they were really cute, and added some girly to an otherwise intense look.
Have a vampy day :)

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Hiya :)
I've never ever been afraid of color, and this morning I woke up feeling bold and inspired by purple.
I had originally wanted to do a look with my natural black hair, and took the time to really try and make it look pretty, but for whatever reason, no matter what I did, I was doomed to have a bad hair day.    Never being one to run away crying, I put on a wig and kissed my bad hair day good bye :)
This wig made me feel very vampy and dangerous today.  I love the length, the style and the color.
So much so that my need to grow my wig collection is expanding.   I've got four separate wig packages coming to me in the near future from Geisha Wigs .  I really cannot wait for them to arrive.

On my eyes I'm using SugarPill  Poison Plum which is a very intense purple that I can never get enough of, and in the inner part of the eye I added some sparkle with Tiara.   Of course that wasn't enough for this look today so I got out some falsies.  The top eyelashes are from House of Lashes in Femme Fatale (perfect for today's look)  and the bottoms are my still not so happy with how they're holding up from Velour.  (this is the first time I've ever had a problem with Velour, so I hope it's a fluke)

My purple lipstick came from Melt Cosmetics.  It's an awesome matte lipstick.  I really love Melt lipsticks and have a few of them on their way to me to add to my collection.

I really enjoyed today's look, and if I had to give it an overall name, I would call it Dangerous.
Have a beautiful day,
Raven xox

Monday 28 April 2014

I really need to start doing makeup in the morning and not do pictures at night lol
This is my day dreamer look.  I felt like being pink today.

with some blue accents  I went a little crazy and did a triple winged effect.  I really liked it, but it is a bit different, I will have to play around with it some more
I had fun playing with photo shop today lol maybe some of these pics are a little arty :p
On my lips I used the color  "Misress" from Ka'oir 

For the eyeshadow I used the electro cute pigments from SugarPill, and Urban Decay liquid 247 eyeliner blue and pink metallic shades.

See you next time when I take pictures in the morning for better lighting :D

Sunday 27 April 2014

Today I wanted something a bit whimsical, and perhaps a bit magical.   So I created a redhead look with eyes that I call "Magical Forrest".

I used my feline lashes again from House of Lashes,  They really look nice with my eye shape.
Lower Lashes are by Velour.  I had two pair of these and usually they last a few times  (not as many as the top) I had just used the first pair yesterday...but tonight I had to use one from the second set as the first one had completely lost it's shape just from one use.  That was a little disappointing.

I used my Hollygram from Lime Crime.  It's such a gorgeous color, that I can never get enough of.
I felt quite magical with the makeup , hair and dress today.   It reminded me a little bit of Poison Ivy from the batman series.  She was always my favorite villain.   I didn't get many good pictures tonight as I waited too long to take pictures, and the lighting wasn't the best.

Until the next look..

Saturday 26 April 2014

Orange Heat....

when I woke up this morning I had an idea in my head for another orange look.  Something about orange lately has caught my attention.    Though I wanted this orange to be heated up, so I paired it with red lips from MAC.

I used another new pair of lashes from House of Lash for my tops, called Feline, and I used bottom lashes from Velour lashes .  I played around with winging out my eyeliner very dramatic like.  The trouble is, I have what's called a hooded eye shape, so winged eyeliner is more complicated.   you have to do severe angles to achieve it.

Over all I liked the look today.. for some reason it seems almost elf like to me, though I don't know why.
See you  next time. xxo

Friday 25 April 2014

Hiya :)
Today I felt like being bright, but still a bit vampy.  Is there such a thing?  Can a goth girl have cheerful colors in her rainbow?   I don't see why not, as it's fun to create your own flare.

I got some great new lashes from House of Lash  and a very beautiful new orange color called Ember from Concrete Minerals  So I paired it with burnout from Urban Decay's Electric set and also used Poisoned Cupcake from PrettyZombieCosmetics   How do you like how it turned out?

I really loved the new lashes, They are called Iconic.  I think it suited the look I was going for.    I'm also in love with Melt Cosmetics right now, and thought with the eyes the way that they are, I would use my orange "Bang Bang" lipstick from Melt.

If I had to give my eye of the day a name, I would call it "SunSet".   Which makes perfect sense to me since Vampires are at their best after dark. :)

And there you have it... Vampy girls CAN do bright colors :)

Wednesday 23 April 2014

I was in the mood to create today.  I love sparkle, but I also love intense colors.   I recently got Urban Decays Electric Pallet and I can't get enough of the colors.

So today I was looking at the blues and wanted to do something fun with them.   I created something that I'd like to call "Twilight" 
I combined two of the blues and one of the purples from the pallet and added some of my silver heavy metal glitter also from Urban Decay.   I paired it with an awesome pair of false mink lashes named "Goddess" from Minx Lash

I paired my Twilight eyes with Tainted Temptress from LunatickLabs.   It's a high intensity color pay off lip gloss.  I just love how it looks on my lips, and am actually waiting a new package from Lunatick Labs with some more lipslicks and eyeshadows.  

I completed the look with one of my favorite Vampy Wigs from Geisha Wigs  in the style "Blood".
I have several Geishawigs, but never ever have enough.   I adore changing my look with the option of a wig.   I used to spend so much money on coloring my hair, and getting leave in hair extensions and it's really done a number to my hair.   But with a wig, I get all the glamor and sexiness in an instant.

It's a total Vampy look for a gohic girl.  :)
See you all next time ,

Hiya I'm Raven.  What can I say about me that is surprising?  Hmmmmm.   Nothing in life is surprising anymore. 

I'm a vampy type of gamer girl that has an obsession with makeup, vampires, rock music, and silliness.  

I believe that the world is what you make it.  I want to see it as pretty, yet complicated.   I don't want to spend my life being sad, so I choose to be happy.  

This blog will be all about my loves.   So you will mostly see pictures of me trying new makeup styles, makeup reviews, all things vampire and rock n roll.   Enjoy the ride as I take you on this journey with an unknown destination.